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How to Push Your Pages in Google

By Katrina Puranik - Google Marketing Specialist, Ranking Australia

How to Push Your Pages in Google - How to force google to rank your page. 

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Digital Discovery - How to Push Your Pages into Google

Tue, Oct 22, 2024 8:40AM • 17:33


Google Search Console, site map submission, page indexing, SEO metadata, organic visibility, Google Analytics, URL variations, indexing requests, SEO expert, blog articles, local SEO, Google Business Profile, long tail keyphrases, website hacks, ranking techniques


Katrina Puranik


Katrina Puranik  00:04

Good morning everyone, and welcome back to another episode of the digital discovery Q and A session live with myself. Katrina  from ranking Australia, keeping in mind that this is a weekly event, and if you'd like to submit any questions for us to go through.

If you're unable to join us live by all means, please make sure that you continue to register for future events and send me an email with your wish list of questions, and we will explore those in the session. So today's session will be going through how to submit your new page or blog to Google to speed up the indexing, so basically getting Google to find your stuff faster. So what that looks like.

I will share my screen one moment, and thank you for joining me this morning. Esther from swanborough funerals. Thank you. Okay. Please let me know you can see my screen. I can thank you, beautiful. Just going to minimize my little window there on the right.

Okay, so what you could what you're looking at here, is called Google Search Console, and about three out of 10 business owners are aware of, actively aware of Google Search Console as a key tool. Some know of it never actually used it, and others are not aware at all of the power of Google Search Console.

So everyone just about knows about Google Analytics, that is all of your data where Google Search Console, and you'll notice it's a little bit different. It's not search, it's not but it's and you can generally find it if you pop in a Google search for Google Search Console, it'll take you there, but essentially it is only your ranking on Google.

So your organic strategy, your organic visibility, so you've got your overview and performance. I mean, being that this is an active clients account, I won't go into that today, but I will show you the Site Maps section.

So the site map section is where you are indexing, or, should I say, pushing your pages into Google.

So to add your pages into Google as a whole in one go, and will filter through your entire site map, you would essentially add the URL of your site map.

So where do you find your site map? It's usually a generic location, which will be your domain. Forward slash site map, dot XML, but it's not always. So if you are unsure, you can always contact your web developer or web website host, and they can help you locate it.

WordPress, it's usually pretty standard. It will definitely be that others, it might just be in a different location, that's all so in this case, we would go, so site map, and yes, the HTTP, HTTPS, these things matter, along with the www.

So basically, whatever is found at that location is is now being submitted. So if you want to be a catch all, you need to add each one of those site maps, because if you see we've got a success status there in the 123, 4/5, column, where it's got the green success, it actually shows you that it's successfully read Each page at that URL.

So depending on which URL is showing up in Google and which one's performing better, then you've got all of your pages in Google. But if you only submit one, people who are typing in won't necessarily find it as easy as www if you've only submitted that one. So generally, you try and do all of your alternatives, and it's about, you know, determining whether you do or you don't. Just do it anyway. If it doesn't go up, go into there, then don't worry about it. But if it does, great. So.

So as you can see here, the HTTPS with the WW didn't work, but with the, oh, sorry, the pages dash sitemap didn't work, but the sitemap dot XML did work. So it depends on on the platform. It used to be a WordPress website, which is why that was there. That's one of the site maps. You've got category site maps in a site map index and other things, but submitting a page into Google

Now that's the fun part. So we've clicked on the site map itself, and yes, it's been successfully processed. Great. There's 11 pages discovered. See page indexing, and it will tell you how many it has indexed, but there's two not indexed, which is something that people are not usually aware of actually going in and checking.

So why are those two pages indexed? It can be a number of reasons. Sometimes it's sensitive, sometimes a login page. Sometimes it's a customer portal that has absolutely no need or value to go into Google for sensitive reasons. For it's got nothing to do with the marketing page or landing page, so you can scroll down and find what you can do with them all reasons why underneath so why pages aren't indexed?

It'll show you the two pages there that are crawled but not yet pushed into Google. So which ones are they? It'll give us the actual URLs for those here, so you can see the little icons that come up.

You can either open the page with the little box in the arrow, or you can copy the link yourself. So let's open that page. Here's the page. It looks pretty good to me. So that's so that it's it's actually a blog article, so it needs to be pushed into Google.

So this is this, why is it not pushed into Google yet? There can be a couple of reasons. Perhaps it's just not yet come around to the auto, automated part of the process, but Google will eventually read it. Or perhaps it's missing some settings for SEO. So if it's not ready for Google, then it won't push it into Google, but you can check to see if it is ready.

Whoops. Sorry. I tried to disable my camera. Didn't want to do that one second page indexing.

Okay, so how do we check? We click on the URL in the list, and it gives us an option to inspect. So we click Inspect. So what it's doing now is forcing Google to read the page and find out where the stat, what's the status, what's actually happening? It says it's not on Google.

Why isn't it on Google? Let's have a look. It says, And the bottom it says that the page is not indexed. It's been crawled, so that's fine. So it's been discovered. Is, and then you see the details there is the crawl allowed? Yes, great.

Was the page fetch successful? Yes, indexing. Is it allowed? Yes, okay, so guess what? We need to force it into Google. So how do we do that? We request that you can go test live URL first, if you if you have some negativity here in the results, then test it first, because you only get so many request indexing or indexing requests each month. So test live URL gives you the the option to test it before you use one of your credits, if you like. So we can, in this case, we already know that it's okay to go through because it's already approved. Says yes, successful, yes, it just hasn't gone through.

So we request indexing, and it does the testing anyway, in that process, actually do so this is one of the, I guess, more time consuming tasks of an SEO expert or website maintenance service, being that they're keeping your Google presence updated, because it it's a manual task. So indexing has been requested. We've got the big green tick. Is it definitely going to go in there? Fingers crossed nine times out of ten it will.

If not, there's obviously something with the SEO being that I've created that it's should be fine. What I will do, of course, is make sure, when I've published any blog, is that I don't publish it and leave it. I publish it and I make sure that the SEO metadata goes in so that's your SEO title, your meta description, and your keywords that are set into the article itself.

So just to kind of round off that segment, Google page indexing is really important, because this is you forcing Google to read your site. This is you pushing your brand out there and giving a reshuffle for what your current focus is, based on keywords and if you're trying to rank for so in this case, cremation earns Esther, then we'd write a couple of blogs on that, and we force it into Google.

So if you don't want to wait for Google to come around in the next week or two, then we push it in there with the indexing, so it just speeds it up. And then goes, Oh, well, okay, we've got this new content to plug in, and that's what it's feeding in, because it will push your most recent content, or your most popular content, or a combination of both, obviously, into Google and either or helps you to generate your data inside of your data sense dashboard, which helps you to see where your opportunities are and how that content is actually contributing to your overall visibility.

And what was the other thing I wanted to mention there around blog articles really important, I think, to make sure that you are on top. Now, one of the as the key aspects of the data sense dashboard is that it picks up opportunities based on your brand strategy and the services that you're wanting to push.

So while you go into Google Search Console and you see you know potentially hundreds, maybe even 1000s of keywords that you're showing up for. But what is it you're showing up for the most?

What is it you're showing up on page one, and perhaps need a few more impressions so you can rank page one for a specific keyword. But what if your actual the times you've actually shown up on Google for that was only five times in a month, and then, so you want to be showing up, you know, in triple digits or more for that particular keyword, if it's the main one to in order to leverage local SEO.

So that's why you might pair it with the strategy we looked at last session, which is in your Google business profile to make sure you've got the services added in with the long tail key phrase. So you use your keyword in there as well, and you use the same keyword and long tail key phrase from your service description in your description of that service inside Google business profile.

So just to recap on that, because I think there might be a few that have missed that one, and that's in you, we can access that recording, hey, yes indeed. Yeah, yes indeed. So that's sitting in the blogs on ranking Australian, you should have access it, access to it if you've registered for the event, if not just reach out and I'll make sure that you have access to it. Just muting that one. There's a screenshot. There we go.

So it's bringing that one up, and I will share my screen so you can see it. I'm a great screenshot. So basically, what you see here is the services that you would find inside your Google Business Listing, and you want to take advantage of the long tail key phrase, you got 120 characters in there, and down the bottom here, you've got up to 300 characters you can take advantage of. So do take advantage of as much as you can to show up for more local. Or specific services, and it pushes your website ranking up when this is more in line with what you're pushing your brand strategy for.

Now, if I just take that back a touch, I Okay, so what you see here is what you would find when you type your business name into Google, it'll come up with your actual Google profile. And you can see Edit services there as one of your options. That's where you would pop this in. And the these are a great way to boost your local visibility for maps, because everything that the whole concept.

Okay, so next session, guys, we've got focus on what's our next topic? Our website hacks for ranking on page one, no more lazy pages. So we'll be looking at applying optimization techniques on images, videos and content on your landing pages to speed them up and make sure that you're not losing people in that very valid three seconds that they're waiting for the page to load.

So bye for now, and make sure you register for the digital discovery. Q&A Live session with myself from ranking Australia next week on the what's the date? I think it's the 23rd That's right.

So I look forward to seeing you then thank you for watching you.


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